1) Uploading SMS Notification Module
-> Unzip the module folder that we will email you.
-> Upload / Copy all files / folders to your Magento root directory, If you are using ftp please make sure you are merging and not replacing Magento directory.
2) Please Login to the Magento Admin Panel
- Go To: to 'System > Cache Management' from the top navigation menu. You will need to clear the store cache and all cookies.
- Go To: to 'System > Index Management' from the top navigation menu. Select all Reindex it
- Then log out from admin panel
- And again login
3) Now please set configuration
Go SmsCanal menu and choose SMS setting
Then you will see the screen below:
Click User Detail group
Fill User Id and Password (from your SMS Canal Account)
Next click Order status group
In these fields you can insert the desired message that you want to be send and delivered via SMS.
You can write something like that(only for statuses that you want an sms to be sent, the rest of them please leave blank):
when you use the "{order_id}" the specific order id of the specific order is shown within the sms and the same happens when you use the "{total_cost}" (which shows the specific total cost of the specific order)
Once you have inserted the desired message, please click SMS Send group
Here you can set the send SMS to Admin or Customer
If Yes then SMS will go.
4) How to send a bulk sms to all of your customer
Please click Bulk SMS menu you will see below screen
Here you can type you message and click send
This message will be sent to all customers of your eshop.
5) If you want to save Admin Telephone No.
Go to System -> Configuration
Then General tab
Choose store information
Save number in Store contact telephone
**all the telephone numbers (including admin telephone number or customer telephone number), must include the country code infront of them. e.g. if you want to send an sms to Spain to this number 6879458878 you must insert the number 34 infront of it. so it will be like this 346879458878